Hardy flooring for beach houses

Four Tools You Will Need to Redesign Your Bathroom

While bathroom construction may not be the easiest do-it-yourself project to complete in your spare time, completing the job yourself (instead of hiring a professional contractor) can save you hundreds of dollars and fit something you wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise into the budget. In terms of retiling your bathroom floor or backsplash, there are a few tiling tools you will need that you might not already have. Bigger tickets items can be rented from local home improvement stores to lessen the cost, but a few smaller ones can be easily purchased and would make great additions to your toolbox anyways.

Bubble Level

Starting with the simplest, a leveler (preferably one with a bubble in the middle) is an essential tool when installing tile. Not only are they cheap, but this device will also ensure that your tiles are even, symmetric, and level in comparison to the walls of the room. For a quick insider tip, remember to start installing your tile away from the wall first as certain corners (surprisingly) may not be even.

Wet Saw

Another essential tool for both bathroom restoration and tile installation is a wet saw. No matter how hard you try, you will have to cut or resize a few tiles at one point or another to fit odd shapes around toilets, drains, and corners. High quality wet saws are normally outfitted with diamond blades that result in precise cuts, and the introduction of water into the cutting process reduces dust in the small confines of a bathroom.

Tile Spacers

Before permanently attaching the tile to the floor, you should lay all or most of the pieces out in your intended pattern. This will allow you to make sure you are okay with the style, but in order to keep the tiles in place, you will need tile spacers. These act as the grout that will eventually go between each and solidify their attachment to the floor below.

Silicone Sponge

Applying the grout itself may be the trickiest part of the installation process, as it requires a bit of "finesse" to execute the task correctly. The best way to do this is at an angle to the floor, remembering only to apply a thin layer that won't spread over the tops of the tiles. Luckily, you can use a silicone sponge to remove excess grout as long as this is done before it dries (after it sets, you may not have as much luck). Especially for beginners, this tool is vital.
