Hardy flooring for beach houses

Never Overlook These Signs of Impending Timber Deck Repairs

Considering how your timber decking provides you with additional space to spend time outdoors, it is not unusual that it will be exposed to substantial usage during the summer months. So even with painstaking care, it is bound to develop some structural problems due to high foot traffic. Putting off these repairs will only lead to further damage. However, some homeowners may not even be aware that their timber decking is in dire need of professional maintenance. As a result, they keep exposing it to high usage, which could lead to the need for deck replacement. The following are some of the signs of impending deck repairs that you should never overlook.

The fasteners on your timber decking are coming loose or are missing

Since timber decking conventionally comprises boards of wood, it is imperative to use fasteners to secure the flooring in place. These fasteners come in various forms, with the most common options utilised being screws and nails. As people walk on your deck, the boards gradually shift in place, which in turn steadily loosens these fasteners. Not only does this cause the timber boards to become unstable, but there is also an increased risk of the fasteners coming off altogether. It is critical to keep in mind that when the boards are unsecured, they have a higher chance of swelling since they are not being held in position by adjacent boards. Furthermore, there is an increased risk of tripping over the loose boards and injuring yourself. Keep an eye out on the fasteners, and immediately have them replaced when they exhibit symptoms of decline.

The timber boards are succumbing to decay

A critical aspect of timber decking maintenance is ensuring that the timber is not exposed to water. Homeowners are advised to seal their decks on a regular basis to ensure they have a protective waterproof coating. Nevertheless, water damage can still occur, depending on the ambient climatic conditions. And when this happens, the boards can quickly begin to develop rot. Some of the initial signs of rotting to look out for is discolouration in the timber as well as sponginess of the wood. The wood may also start to split and crack. When caught early, all you need to do is replace the affected boards to restore the integrity of your timber decking. If the rot has spread, you may have to engage in complete replacement.
