Hardy flooring for beach houses

Subtle Signs of Damage in Your Basement That Should Prompt You to Seek Concrete Floor Repairs

The durability of concrete coupled with its hassle-free upkeep not only makes it a popular option for outdoor flooring but also makes it a common solution in basements, too. Nonetheless, if you do not make any use of your basement, there is a high chance that the concrete flooring will eventually start to wear down due to neglect.

Admittedly, this may sound strange considering that the wear should be initiated by heavy foot traffic. But what you are not keeping in mind is that the longer this space is neglected, the higher the likelihood that you will not notice the initial signs of damage, which leaves room for it to worsen with time. If you do not want to pay for new flooring in your basement, here are some subtle signs of damage that should prompt you to seek concrete floor repairs.

You can see white residue on the surface

Typically, when concrete floors are utilised regularly, you barely notice any residue on the surface, as the floors will be cleaned occasionally. When your basement is left neglected for a long period, vapour seeps through the slabs and dissolves calcium salts on the surface, which is referred to as efflorescence. During the summer, the humid weather will allow moisture to mix with the calcium salts, which leads to scaling on the surface of the concrete.

At this point, trying to sweep the substance away will not work. It is important to note that the slats are highly caustic so when left on the surface of the concrete, they will cause crumbling. Over time, the concrete flooring loses its structural integrity and you will need to replace it. To prevent this from happening, it is best to seek concrete floor repairs. The professionals will eliminate this residue and restore the surface of the concrete. It is advisable to seal the concrete once it has been repaired to prevent this occurrence.

You can see dips in the flooring

Over the years, houses are bound to start settling. This gradual movement is normal and should not alarm you. However, if you have concrete flooring in your basement, these steady shifts can cause parts of the floor to sink. Problems arise when these dips in the floor are not addressed, as this allows moisture to collect in them. The more water collecting in the depressions in the floor, the higher the likelihood of irreparable damage to the concrete since this is a porous material.

You will then start to notice crumbling in the affected sections, which is a sign that the integrity of the floor is compromised. The moment that you notice dips in the flooring, it is crucial that you hire concrete floor repairs. The professionals will repair any damage present and relevel the surface to prevent them from recurring. 

Contact a local concrete flooring contractor to learn more about concrete repair.
