Why Porcelain Tiles Would Be Ideal For Bathroom Floors

Whether engaging in a bathroom remodel or constructing a new home from scratch, one of the important aspects to consider would be the type of tiles to use. Since there is a myriad of options in the market, some homeowners may simply select the first type that catches their fancy. This is not the best way to go about it though as the different tiles have their own advantages that would suit different homeowners depending on their needs. [Read More]

Why Ceramic Tiles Would Be Ideal For Your Residence

Some homeowners tend to have an aversion toward home renovations, as they believe they will be extremely costly. The truth, however, is that simple changes in your home could positively enhance its overall appearance without you having to resort to breaking the bank. One of the easiest ways to give your home a facelift would be to install new tiling. There are a myriad of options that once could choose for this. [Read More]

Four Tools You Will Need to Redesign Your Bathroom

While bathroom construction may not be the easiest do-it-yourself project to complete in your spare time, completing the job yourself (instead of hiring a professional contractor) can save you hundreds of dollars and fit something you wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise into the budget. In terms of retiling your bathroom floor or backsplash, there are a few tiling tools you will need that you might not already have. Bigger tickets items can be rented from local home improvement stores to lessen the cost, but a few smaller ones can be easily purchased and would make great additions to your toolbox anyways. [Read More]

How to Change the Sandpaper on a Palm Sander

A palm finishing sander is a great piece of kit that can save you a lot of time and pretty much guarantees a professional-looking finish to any sanding job. However, changing the paper on a palm sander can be a little fiddly until you become more practised, especially if you're a DIY beginner. Here's how to do it. What you'll need sandpaper sharp utility scissors a pencil How to do it [Read More]